Small Animal Services
- Wellness and Preventative Care
- Vaccinations
- Surgery
- Full Service Dental Care
- Internal Medicine
- In-House Laboratory
- Parasite Prevention and Control
- Diagnostic Imaging (ultrasound)
- Allergies and Dermatology
- Pain Management
- Microchipping
- Nutrition and Weight Management
- Brookings City Licensing
Equine Services
- Wellness and Preventative Care
- Vaccinations
- Dental Floating
- Lameness Evaluation
- Diagnostic Imaging (portable ultrasound)
- Joint Injections
- Coggins Testing (SDSU diagnostic lab)
- Health Papers
- In-House Laboratory (bloodwork and fecal analysis)
- Castrations
- Wound Repair
- Breeding Services
- Microchipping
Large Animal Services
- Herd Health
- Vaccinations
- Castrations
- Dehorning
- Health Papers
- Breeding Services
- Ultrasound
- VFDs (Veterinary Feed Directives)